Hit Songwriting in Six Easy Steps

Hit Songwriting in Six Easy Steps

Write a hit song in six easy steps? Impossible, you say? Not according to songwriter and musician Orlando Gutierrez. In this article, Orlando breaks down the process of writing a hit song into six easy steps that anyone can follow. Hit songwriting in pop music has...
How to Become a Rap Songwriter

How to Become a Rap Songwriter

Becoming a rap songwriter is not as hard as you might think. In fact, it’s a lot easier than you probably imagine. With the right tools and a bit of practice, you can start writing rap songs that are both creative and engaging. If you want to know how to become a rap...
5 Essential Songwriting Habits

5 Essential Songwriting Habits

Songwriting can be a lot of fun. But it can also be a lot of hard work. If you want to be a successful songwriter, you need to develop good habits. Here are five essential songwriting habits by Mahmoud Ibrahim that every songwriter should adopt. Some songwriters just...
Pop-Rock Songwriting Tips

Pop-Rock Songwriting Tips

Writing a pop-rock song can be a daunting task. In this article by Peter S. Smith, we’ll explore some tips to help you write a pop-rock song that will get stuck in people’s heads. If you are dreaming of writing great pop, country or rock songs songs, then...
The Improved Idiots Guide to Object Writing

The Improved Idiots Guide to Object Writing

In this article by Paul Warren, we’ll explore the basics of object writing and how to get started with this unique form of writing. As an author or songwriter, we should not just expect to sit down and be connected with our ‘now moment inspiration...